Saturday, March 21, 2009

The theology of orgasm

Paul Schmelzer tweeted this story Celibate Catholic Priest Writes Sex Manual and I thought it was pretty funny. Priests are like doctors. They think they know how to do everything. The Catholic Church has about 15 centuries worth of fomenting a crippling kind of guilt and disinformation about sex, not to mention the subjugation of women and exploitation of, well you know. They are as responsible as anyone for the sexual disfunction in the world. At least we can all get a laugh from their lame attempts to fix things up.

There is a bit of news here though. Twelve percent of priests admit to being in a sexual relationship. One out of eight. And that's just those who admit it. I assume they don't mean with boys. I hope.

I also got a good laugh from the "reader review" on Paul's tweet.
"I read this book. It’s not bad but it’s only two chapters long. The first one is on masturbation and is 736 pages. The second chapter, sex with younger, same sex partners is only half the size of the first. Still, I felt the book was authoritative and would recommend it to anyone wishing to learn more about either topic. Don’t knock something you haven’t read, based solely on a YouTube video."

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