Thursday, March 5, 2009

CNN report cuts and pastes the news

Watching Wednesday's CNN report on clean coal and the interview with Bruce reminded me of the Don Henley song about the media, Dirty Laundry. "We can do the innuendo; we can dance and sing. When it's said and done we haven't told you a thing."

It's instructive for a media worker like me or a media consumer like most folks to watch a report like that critically. Look at the quick edits that start or end in the middle of a sentence. Look at the sucker-punch questions. Look at how they just cut and pasted tiny scraps of video together to make it say whatever they wanted. It's a really good job of manufactured news, but it's like eating Twinkies. It leaves you with the feeling that you've been manipulated but you're not quite sure how.

If people hate and distrust the media, who's to blame?

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