Saturday, March 7, 2009

Rush vs. Paris debate. That would be hot!

I agree with Mark Shields' comment on the News Hour last night that the White House should not give even the slightest nod of acknowledgment to Rush Limbaugh’s cheeky challenge to Barack Obama to debate him on his show.

But I would love to see a debate between Rush and Paris Hilton in any venue whatever. Wait, it’s not ridiculous! No, I don't think Paris Hilton is hot. She'd like us to think she is. Rush would like us to think he's substantive and serious, but he's no more serious than Hilton is. They're a perfect pair.

Neither has ever been elected to anything. They are both entertainers. They both make a lot of money. They both are famous for saying and doing outrageous things in public. They both use drugs (well, OK, I don't have any evidence that Paris Hilton uses drugs).

This would not be nearly the mis-match that you might think. Paris is no slouch at politics as you can see from her campaign ad.

My personal opinion is she would do America a great favor by kicking his fat butt and puncturing his inflated ego on national TV. It would be great entertainment and might even jump-start the economy by creating a big media advertising event.

What about it Rush?

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