Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Fair and balanced my ass!

Talk about fair and balanced. FOX Business interviewed Bruce Nilles yesterday on the topic of CO2.

Well, not really. Actually, there was no interview involved. It was an interrogation. They set him up and blasted away at him with all guns to try to make him and the Sierra Club look as bad as possible and they used every dirty trick short of waterboarding to do it.

To set the "fairness bar" at a "balanced" level, the interviewer started off informing his audience that the decision to regulate CO2 "sets the stage for massive new government regulations and power over business." I guess you didn't have to watch the rest of the segment to know what you were supposed to think.

This guy was the most argumentative, opinionated and dishonest so-called journalist I have seen in a long time. Bruce held his own, which is saying a lot. If you don't watch FOX (and who does?) this bald-faced exhibition of venomous ill will is enough to angrify your blood for the week.

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