Monday, February 9, 2009

Foxes still running the henhouse

Watching Sen. John Ensign (R-NV), Rep. Barney Frank (D-MA), Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO), and Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN) talk about the stimulus on Meet the Press yesterday had me thinking about why you should never put a politician on TV. They all sounded like they were reading from their prepared talking points. I know. I’ve done lots of talking points. I practically wore out the MUTE button. It was like this was all about them. No. It’s all about me. I’m the one looking for a job or freelance work. They’re still getting paid to blather.

It especially fries me when I hear pols talk about how we can’t afford a stimulus package. I think the term used was “precious taxpayer dollars.” This is coming from the same people who spent the past eight years voting for a trillion dollar deficit. Their “borrow like there’s no tomorrow” policies actually were at the root of the current depression. All that extra money overheated the economy; it had to go somewhere and if you guessed Real Estate, give yourself a gold star. All this talk about irresponsible homeowners who really shouldn’t have taken out that big mortgage or that nasty community reinvestment act that forced bankers to lend to local people is a smoke-screen. This is fiscal policy at its simplest and they failed the final test miserably. Why should anyone listen to them now?

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