Friday, October 31, 2008

Closing argument

For all the spending, talk, debates, events, phonecalls, etc., I fear that, at the end, Barak Obama has failed to make a convincing case to America for why he should be elected President. Which is not the same as saying he won’t be elected. John McCain seems to have hit on his closing argument – not the experience angle, but the “don’t let the Dems control the government or they’ll raise your taxes whatever they promise now” argument. It may not be true, but it’s believable.

So here’s my contribution to the Obama campaign for a clinching final argument. If we elect John McCain, all the dastardly misdeeds of the last eight years – and who can doubt that they are legion? - will never see the light of day and the perps will never get their just punishment.

It’s enough to convince me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

we're looking forward to your unique comments about The Election....thx