Friday, August 1, 2008

Do unto others?

The Justice Dept hiring scandal revealed in the past week of course comes as no shock. We all knew that was going on, didn’t we? It was only the so-called shrill, liberal mainstream media who maintained their silence all these years until the tide finally went out so far on the Bush Admin that even a beaten dog could find the courage to howl just a little. But that’s not the point.

The question is what are “we” going to do about it? In sports, if you play with an ineligible player, you forfeit the game. But there’s no commish in this game. No instant replay.

So when the Obamans come marching in next winter, the question is will “we” behave the same way and load up those same positions with our people? Or will we allow the Bush team to keep the gains they made with 12 men on the field? The former makes all of the change rhetoric sound suspiciously like a lie. The latter makes us just a bunch of chumps waiting to be taken advantage of by the self-righteous chest-thumpers on the extreme right who actually doesn’t see that they did anything wrong.

Call me a wimp, but I'm hoping we can have the courage to follow the latter course.

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