Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Bruce on page one

If you subscribe to The Capital Times, you saw son-in-law Bruce on the front past last Friday. If not (you should), here is the top of the story:

Cooling Coal
Sierra Club Lawyer Here Successfully Fights Power Plant Pollution
Friday, December 14, 2007

By SAMARA KALK DERBY The Capital Times

In the last four years, local Sierra Club attorney Bruce Nilles has stopped 58 coal-fired plants from being built in the United States. As a result of his work, energy companies have abandoned their plans, fearing going through the permitting process of getting a new coal plant built.

Nilles, 39, is director of the organization's National Coal Campaign. He has stopped plants in Kansas, Illinois, Florida, Texas and Nevada. He also had a hand in last month's settlement in which the state of Wisconsin agreed not only to clean up UW-Madison's coal-fired Charter Street power plant but also to examine and possibly improve the operation of 13 other coal-burning plants it manages across the state.

He is in the process of fighting 54 more coal-burning plants in America. In the last two weeks alone, Nilles has beaten back four plants. "It's been a very good two weeks," he said, grinning.

Here is the link to the full story:

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